- optymalna osseointegracja,
- zachowanie tkanek miękkich,
- zachowanie wyrostka kości.
Nowe implanty 3i T3 Short są dostępne w długościach 5 i 6 mm oraz w średnicy 5 i 6 mm
Dodatkowo BIOMET 3i wprowadza nowy zestaw chirurgiczny zaprojektowany specjalnie do pracy krótkimi implantami 3i T3 Short.
1. Gubbi P**, Towse R**. Quantitative and Qualitative Characterization of Various Dental Implant Surfaces. Poster Presentation: European Association for Osseointegration, 20th Annual Meeting; October 2012; Copenhagen, Denmark. To view the poster, please visit www.biomet3i.com/Pdf/Posters/Poster_421_EAO_Final.pdf
2. Meltzer AM*. Primary stability and initial bone-to-implant contact: The effects on immediate placement and restoration of dental implants. J Implant Recontr Dent. 2009; I (I):35-41.
3. Boitel N, Andreoni C, Grunder U†, Naef R, Meyenberg K†. A Three Year Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized-Controlled Study Evaluating Platform-Switching for the Preservation of Peri-implant Bone Levels. Academy of Osseointegration, 26th Annual Meeting: 2011 March 3-5; Washington DC.